A Werewolf boy is a 2012 South-Korean produced fantasy romance film. Suni is a teenage girl who moves into a new home in the country with her family due to her health. As they moved in and were hanging the laundry, Suni notices a boy hiding in the outhouse that seemed to be scared to come out. Suni's mother offers the boy some food and as he steps out from the outhouse they noticed that he is a feral boy. He doesn't talk nor act like a human. Suni's mother decided to keep him in until they find his guardian. But they only failed and instead they took him under their guide,bathed and fed him. At first, Suni did not like the idea of having the boy but later on she opened up and started teaching him how to act like human, to read, to write and to speak.

They named him Chul-soo as decided by Suni's mother. Chul-soo then started showing signs that are not normal for a human. Ji-tae, the son of Suni's father's friend, starts to cause trouble because he doesn't like Chul-soo being with Suni as he has feelings for her. Suni and Chul-soo becomes very close but their relationship became difficult as Chul-soo reveals his werewolf instincts and protects Suni but scares the village people. They are met with different paths and chooses to sacrifice in order to live peacefully. Suni leaves Chul-soo and promises him, "Wait for me. I’ll come back for you."
Chul-soo is played by South-Korea's talented flower boy, Song Joong-ki, and Suni is played by actress Park Bo-Young. The whole film is set in a flashback except from the prologue and epilogue. The prologue and epilogue takes place in the present time while the flashback is set in the post war era of South Korea. The protagonists in the film both share a common ground, Suni being an introvert and Chul-soo being feral. Both of them does not like or know how to deal with social circumstances.
Song Joong-ki has played the role of Chul-soo very well as he has learned almost everything about being a werewolf. From his little movements, mannerisms, inhaling food like he was starved in a lifetime, even growling and howling, and how his expressions always come out from his eyes. Song Joong-ki does not speak all through out the film except from the time they were about to separate and at the epilogue. His first lines were almost towards the end of the film and it was really heartbreaking. I really have to give it up for Song Joong-ki for making my heart and eyes hurt from crying for delivering his first and most explosive line really well!
The movie keeps you on your edge. You get to immensely hold your emotions and when things get out it hits you like a train full of feelings. At the epilogue when Suni comes back to the country home after 47 years, Chul-soo was still there waiting for her for 47 years. Chul-soo was loyal to her, learning how to speak, to act human and to control his emotions all through out those years. He obeyed Suni's instructions to wait fo her until she comes back. It is a very tragic ending as we see that Chul-soo was somewhat forgotten and left to wait while Suni lives her life and even gets to go to America and have a family.
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